FOREWORD BY EMMANUEL LE ROY LADURIE Information, the control of information and its speed of circulation have always been central preoccupations for States. In the 13th century, the Mongols conquered China, borrowed the imperial postal relay system and diffused it throughout all the conquered territories: Central Asia, Russia, Iran, Iraq. This postal service enabled them to transport all sorts of strategic information rapidly. When they invaded Syria and Palestine, they…
ISBN: 9782841747771
Nombre de pages: 188
Collection: Anthropologies, Autres collections
In this essay, Didier Gazagnadou examines the question of the diffusion of tech- niques and the impact of this diffusion on cultures and individual subjectivity. Techniques of transport and communication occupy a decisive role in the techno-historical process that led to globalization. The author undertakes “a certain rehabilitation” of the diffusionist wave and examines the reasons why anthropology rejected this movement and neglected the diffusion question. He shows that in…
ISBN: 9782841747788
Nombre de pages: 114
Collection: Anthropologies, Autres collections